Continued cost of living support available for residents


WARRINGTON Borough Council has issued a rallying call to residents to make clear that support is still available to them in response to the cost of living crisis.

This follows the tireless work of community and voluntary groups and other organisations over the Christmas period, who provided support to families and residents most in need.
Across Warrington over Christmas, groups provided:

  • Christmas food hampers
  • Christmas dinner packs, delivered to people for Christmas day
  • Spaces for people to gather, socialise and connect
  • Christmas gifts for children, including toys, pyjamas, hats and gloves, and toiletry sets
  • Christmas gifts for individuals who are socially isolated

It is estimated that more than 6,000 Christmas gifts were provided, predominantly to children, with thousands of other residents benefitting from the generosity and support of community groups over the Christmas period who provided food parcels, hosted Christmas dinner gatherings and provided support to people who are lonely and isolated.
Cllr Sarah Hall, cabinet member for children’s services and portfolio lead, spent time over Christmas seeing cost of living community support in action.
Cllr Hall said: “Over the Christmas period, we had a number of amazing community groups supporting people in need – with food and other supplies – along with providing hot meals, entertainment and advice.
“For example, I spent time with the Warrington Open Door at Christmas (WODAC) group and saw first-hand the fantastic work they were doing. They provided a warm, welcoming space where people came to have Christmas dinner, relax and be with others over the festive period.
“They also provided warm clothes, food parcels and had activities including meditation, music, crafts, floristry and beyond.
“WODAC alone provided 450 meals and delivered more than 150 food parcels. They are one example of many groups and organisations who provided valuable support over Christmas and it is right that we recognise and collectively thank our communities for their valuable support to our residents.
“The demand for support from our community and voluntary groups over Christmas was incredibly high – and remains so. I would urge people to continue to access the help and support available to them.
“For example, our online directory – Warrington’s ‘Yellow Pages’ of cost of living support – has been visited by more than 6,300 people and is used by many people every day who are signposted to support in their community.
“As the cost of living crisis continues to bite, please keep looking at what help and advice you can access.”

Help and support is still available

Working with partners across town, the council continues to update its cost of living support directory,, which aims to make it easier for people who are facing difficulties due to the rising cost of living to get the right help, including:

Benefits available and how to claim them:
Food support
Financial support
Help with energy bills
Childcare support
Practical support

The directory brings multiple different community schemes already available into one place, where people can search for and find offers of local support.


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