Self-build house plan opposed by parish council


PLANS for a one-and-a-half storey self-build house on a former nursery site at Lymm come before planning chiefs at Warrington tomorrow (Wedesday).

The scheme – involving the former Greenscene nursery in Burford Lane, is being recommended for approval when it comes before the borough council’s development management committee.

But Lymm Parish Council has lodged objections on the grounds it would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt and that the boundary treatment along Burford Lane would be inappropriate for the street scene.
A number of previous applications for housing on the site have been refused – including one for a similar, self-build development.
The scheme includes proposals to demolish existing outbuildings on the site.
A dwarf wall, railings and wrought-iron-style gates along the front of the site are also proposed.

Warrington Borough Council planning officers say the proposed could be considered limited in-filling with a village and, as such, would be acceptable in the Green Belt.
The proposed front boundary treatment would represent a significant improvement to local character.


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