Man jailed following a series of car and key burglaries


A MAN who carried out a series of car and key burglaries including Warrington has been jailed.

Jake Mawhinney appeared at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday December 5 where he was sentenced to four-years in prison.
The 23-year-old, of no fixed abode, but from Bootle, had earlier pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit burglary.
The court heard how over a five-day period, between March 20 and March 24 2022, Mawhinney, carried out four offences across the region.
His crime-spree began on Saunday March 20 when broke into an address on Paynter Close, Clacton-le-Moors, and stole an Audi from the property.
Then, on Monday March 21, Mawhinney travelled to Warrington where he broke into an address on Warrington Road and stole the keys for a car parked on the driveway, but he was unable to take the vehicle as it was blocked in by other cars.
Undeterred, he broke into an address on Manchester Road, Warrington, and stole Volkswagen Golf.
His final offence occurred on Wednesday March 23, when he broke into an address on Limetree Avenue, Warrington, and stole a Mercedes AMG from the property.
Mawhinney’s downfall came after officers recovered ANPR and mobile phone data which linked him to the offences.
He was arrested on Wednesday June 8 and subsequently charged in connection with the incident.

Following his sentencing, Police Constable Neil Mooney said: “Mawhinney is a prolific offender and I welcome the sentence that has been handed to him by the courts.
“Burglary is a horrific offence, to wake up and find that an intruder has been inside your home, the one place we should all be able to feel safe, is something that nobody should have to experience.
“Thankfully, as a result of the evidence we gathered, Mawhinney had no option but to plead guilty to the offences and he is now facing the consequences of his actions.
“I hope the fact that his sentencing gives some closure to his victims, and the local community.
“I also hope that this case acts as a warning to others who are looking to come to Cheshire to commit crime.”


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