£600,000 in Household Support Fund payments provided to 14,000 households


WARRINGTON Borough Council is reminding residents who receive Household Support Fund payments that their next award will be in bank accounts before Christmas.

This will be the second of three payments in the Household Support Fund scheme, which runs from October 2022 to March 2023.
Details of the next payment – worth at least £40 per household – are being finalised, with the aim to have the money in bank accounts before Christmas. Existing applicants do not need to re-apply as the money will be paid automatically into bank accounts.
However, the council is keen that no one misses out on payments they are eligible for, as the funding can help to support households to pay for food, energy, and water bills.
If your household receives free school meals, pension credit, or council tax support, you will qualify for the payments and can apply online. Or, if you just wish to find out more information about the scheme, please visit warrington.gov.uk/hsf, where you will be asked to complete a short application form.
Deputy council leader and cabinet member for corporate resource, Cllr Cathy Mitchell, said: “In these challenging times, we are doing all we can to ensure residents get every penny of support they are entitled to.
“The Household Support Fund is another important source of financial support for some of our most in-need residents. This includes parents with children, older people, and individuals on low incomes.
“Remember, you will not receive this payment automatically if you haven’t already applied – so if you are eligible and have not yet claimed, make sure you complete the short application form, so we can get this payment to you as soon as possible.

Warrington South Mp Andt Carter commented: “The £600,000 for households in Warrington has been made available by HM Government as part of £421m allocated to Councils in England to support those most in need, to help with global inflationary challenges and the significantly rising cost of living.
“Residents have the opportunity to come forward to ask for support to cover bills such as fuel costs, where families cannot access the £400 of energy support from the Energy Bill Support Scheme. It’s not limited to families receiving benefits but there is a criteria for eligibility.”

For more information about wider cost of living support available in Warrington, visit warrington.gov.uk/cost-living-support.


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