“We’re the most money-conscious people in the country”


CHESHIRE – that’s the boroughs of Warrington, Halton, Cheshire East and Cheshire West and Chester- is the most money-conscious county in the country.

That’s the conclusion of Wholesale Clearance UK following an analysis of online search data to find out which county was the most desperate to save money.
They looked at the number of searches related to discount codes, money-saving tips and best-saving accounts and also researched the number of discount shops, charity shops and budget supermarkets each county has, with higher volume suggesting high demand by residents.

There has been an average of 170 searches made per month in Cheshire for advice on how to save money (‘money-saving tips’, ‘best ways to save money’ and ‘ways to save money’), or 33 per 100,000 people.
And there are an average of 1600 searches made by Cheshire residents looking for ‘best savings accounts’ per month, which is 310 per 100,000 population.
The good news is that there are plenty of discount shops in the North West. There are currently 42 discount shops in the area, an average of eight per 100,000 of the population, showing the highest demand in the UK.
This is closely followed by charity shops, with 122 charity shops in the county, or an average of 24 per 100,000 people.
And with 29 discount supermarkets across Cheshire, there’s an average of six per 100,000.

Cheshire residents spoke out recently on the impact the cost-of-living crisis has had on them, with confessions of ‘constant pressure’, ‘worries of debt’ and ‘a life filled with uncertainty.
Councils have announced support for residents, such as the Household Support Fund, Discretionary Housing Payments, Emergency Assistance Scheme and Free School Meals, amongst other things.
The second most money-conscious county is Dorset.
Karl Baxter, managing director of Wholesale Clearance UK, said: “With the cost of living rising at the fastest rate in 40 years, it’s no surprise that Brits everywhere are feeling more money conscious than ever and looking for ways to tighten their purse strings.
“However, while this can be an incredibly worrying time, filled with financial uncertainty, it’s important to remember that you are not alone.
“Visit Citizens Advice or your local council website for more information on the financial support available to you. And if you’re struggling mentally, talk to a friend or family member or contact a professional or the Samaritans.”


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