A novel seasonal gift idea – learning to run!


LYMM Runners – widely acknowledged as one of the friendliest running clubs in the North West – have come up with a novel seasonal gift idea.

Instead of socks, woolly jumpers or candles for that special person, how about the Gift of Running – a place on their 2023 Beginners Course?
Registration is now open for this very popular course which starts on Tuesday, January 10.

It lasts nine weeks, is open to runners and would-be runners of all abilities and consists of two one-hour sessions a week.
On Tuesdays, there is a structured coaching session at Victoria Park running track, Latchford and on Thursday evenings there are confidence-building group run/walks, starting from Lymm High School.

There is plenty of encouragement as well as structured coaching by qualified leaders in separate training groups – so no one gets left behind.
The course is free but participants are asked to join Lymm Runners for the start of the course.
Membership costs from just £20 a year but the club recommends joining England Athletics as well, for an extra £16.
This gives some great benefits including reduced race cost entry and discounts on various products. Another optional extra is entry to the High Legh 10K on March 12 – which many beginners on the course work towards.

Alison Felstead, beginners lead and run co-ordinator, said:” I’ve been one of the leads for this course for the past four years and have loved seeing the runners progress and gain in confidence. Many join with very little previous running experience and amaze themselves by what they achieve in such a short space of time.”
One of last year’s graduates said: “I apprehensively joined the Lymm Runners beginners’ class I hadn’t properly exercised since before lockdown and had done little running. The aim was to have fun, get fit, with a view to being able to complete the High Leigh 10k run in March.
“We were promised on day one we were going to love running, and I can honestly say I had a smile on my face every time we went out. I got fitter quite quickly – the Tuesday sessions were informative and fun and the Thursday night running sessions in and around Lymm were fantastic.
“I did the 10k run, thoroughly enjoyed it and have done two more since!”
Any questions should go to Alison or one of the other leads at [email protected] and further information can be found at:
https//:lymmrunners.org/running/beginners-course/ or https://highlegh10k.org.uk/ But hurry – places are limited and fill up fast.


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