Burton the ‘Houdini’ sheep captures villagers’ hearts


by Wendy Johnson

VILLAGERS at Burtonwood have been given the run around by the antics of a ‘Houdini’ sheep they have affectionately nicknamed ‘Burton.’

For several weeks, the woolly fella, who has been mysteriously appearing on the village nature park, has been grabbing the limelight on social media and fast becoming the talk of the village.

Residents have become so enthralled by the escapee they have been calling for him to be adopted by the village and named him ‘Burton.’
His daily romps on the nature park, which is located on the outskirts of the village at Geen Jones Brow, had been leaving locals scratching their heads as to where this tenacious ‘tup’ was coming from.
Villager Roland Johnson said: “Me and my daughter Bea have been checking on him and it was my idea that the village should adopt him and call him Burton. He’s very grumpy looking but quite peaceful.”
“I have seen him every day when I take my dog walking. He is very friendly and is fine with my dog and sometimes we walk with him. He’s been there a good few weeks now. I made a story up with my son Ozzie that we needed to go and rescue a sheep and he was loving it when we found him!”

Burton seems to have caused a stir among other residents as Kim Marie Leicester said: “Oh he is so lovely. Not afraid of dogs and I’ve approached him and stroked him. I see him often and he remembers me as I always treat him! I’ve never known a sheep quiet like Burton. He is a superstar. His face looks quite angry but he’s very calm and likes attention.”
Becky Louise Pennycook said: “I think the whole village should adopt him and he becomes our mascot and then everyone can look after him.”

It appears that Burton’s taste for the greener side had lured him into becoming an escape artist, leading him to secretly break out of the confinement of his own local field or simply jumping over whatever obstacle was put in his way. But as the nature park has open entrances leading onto roads, villagers were becoming increasingly concerned about his safety.
Following Warrington Worldwide team’s investigation, the pieces to Burton’s puzzle have finally been put together.
We are happy to report that Burton will now be heading back to the farm where he has been a ‘visitor’ and will be kept safely indoors until his owners collect him. The power of journalism and a happy ending to a local story…. villagers can now rest assured that Burton will be going home for Christmas!


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