Planners reject five houses on former bowling green


A PLAN to build five houses on a former bowling green has been thrown out by Warrington planners.

The scheme was on land adjoining the Pierpoint and Bryant Social Club, off Thelwall Lane, Westy.
A total of 58 nearby residents were consulted about the scheme and six objected on various grounds including loss of privacy, loss of land used for junior sports training and a hazardous access to the site.

Warrington Borough Council planners were told the bowling green had not been used since 2014 and was unlikely ever to be re-re-opened. There was also a similar bowling green nearby. Sport England said the green did not constitute a playing field and, as a result, they did not object to the scheme.
But planning chiefs said the access to the site from Thelwall Lane was considered inappropriate because of its substandard width, restricted visibility and inadequate pedestrian provision.
If the development were permitted it would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety and interfere with free and safe movement of traffic along Thelwall Lane.


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