Priestley partnership takes internship to next level


A LEADING video game developer has spoken about the importance of a partnership with Warrington’s Priestley College that gives students a chance to break into the billion-dollar industry.

Arthur Parsons, Design Director at 10:10 Games in Warrington, said the internship programme linked to Priestley’s Computer Game Design course was creating opportunities.
“I was blown away by the quality of work at Priestley and there really wasn’t much difference between what was being produced there and third years leaving university,” he said.
“That made me question why would the students that are really pushing the quality bar go to university. Surely there’s got to be a way of getting those students into industry and the internships are a way of doing that.”
Arthur was speaking after he offered one of last year’s interns a full-time job.
Harry Foster, who studied Computer Game Design at Priestley, has been made a Junior Associate Designer.
The 18-year-old has been working with the rest of the team at their offices on Centre Park Square on a game featuring Funko characters.
“I made my first game when I was eight. I was proud of it at the time, but it was just a cube that jumped from platform to platform,” said Harry, a former Culcheth High pupil.
“My parents used to tell me to get off my computer because I was on it all the time, but now I am getting paid for it and I am doing something I love.”

Harry was introduced to Arthur by his college tutor during a WA Games event. He successfully applied for an internship with the company – an opportunity made available to students taking the vocational course at Priestley College.
“Harry is far more mature than his 18 years, which is important because he is working alongside people who have been in the industry over two decades,” said Arthur.
Josh Campher and Ian Slonker, who teach the course at Priestley, said their goal was to continue giving students the skills they needed to make an impression on the industry.
The course covers everything from AI to level design and character modelling.
“Our partnership with 10:10 Games is thriving and we hope it continues for many years to come,” said Ian. “Creating opportunities like this is what Priestley College is all about.


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