Joanne’s tough time in World IPO championships


A FORMER Croft girl – now a grandmother – has returned from Denmark after taking part in the World Championships of the internationally recognised sport of IPO.

It was the second time Joanne Bridge had won a place in the UK team and on the first occasion, in Spain, she helped the team finish in eighth place – the highest position it had ever achieved.
This year conditions were very difficult with bad weather and very tough terrain.

But despite this, Joanne and her German Shepherd Xam helped the five-strong UK team to finish 18th overall, with Joanne in 41st place – a creditable performance in the circumstances
IPO is a three-phase sport that involves tracking, obedience and protection work for working dogs and their owners. It originates in Germany more than 100 years ago but is now practised in 46 countries. It can be described as canine three-day eventing.

Next year the event is in Hungary near the beautiful city of Budapest and Joanne and Xam will be doing their best to get in the team again – and hit the top 20 again!
The former St Lewis’ Primary and St Aelred’s Secondary School pupil and her husband, Chris Bows, have been involved in IPO for many years and train at the South Cheshire IPO Club near their home in Moore – one of the most successful clubs in the UK.


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