How to apply for £150 tax energy rebate in Warrington


WARRINGTON residents who live in council tax bands E-H are being encouraged to apply for the discretionary tax energy rebate.

The council’s discretionary scheme is now open, running until Wednesday November 30.

Residents who live in bands E-H and meet one the criteria may be eligible for a discretionary £150 payment from the government to help with the cost of living.
You may also be eligible for this payment if you live in a bands A-D and moved in after 1 April this year.
To be successful in this application you will need to meet one of the following criteria:
• In receipt of Income Support, Income-based JSA, Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit
• Pensioners in receipt of a state retirement pension
• New occupiers (after April 1 this year of Bands A-D properties
• People with disabilities who are in receipt of one or more of the state disability allowances. Long term sickness, serious or terminal illness
• Customers who are pregnant or have a new born/recently adopted child
• Recent bereavement, within the last three months
• Single parent families
• Care leavers
• Language and/or literacy difficulties, including ethnic minorities, refugees, asylum seekers and people whose first language is not English
• People suffering from fuel poverty/hardship

Residents who are in receipt of Council Tax Support and/or Housing Benefit, or are in receipt of student or severely mentally impaired exemption will automatically receive a post office voucher and will not need to submit an application.
Warrington Borough Council’s cabinet member for finance, Cllr Cathy Mitchell, said: “We are doing everything we can to help people through the cost of living crisis, and the discretionary rebate scheme is another way for local people to get financial support.
“If you think you are eligible, make sure you apply for your payment before 30 November. We will be working hard to process all applications as quickly as possible.”
To apply for the discretionary rebate, please visit You will need your Council Tax reference number, which you can find on your Council Tax Bill in the top left corner, underneath your address. The reference number has nine digits, starting with a 7.


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