Green Belt barn can be converted into homes


PLANS to convert an existing barn into two dwellings have been given the go-ahead by Warrington planners – despite it being in the Green Belt and the local parish council lodging objections.

The barn is at Agden Lane Farm, Agden Lane, Lymm and planning officers recommended the development be allowed because they said there was a case for “very special circumstances.”
One neighbour had also supported the scheme.
Lymm Parish Council opposed the plan on the grounds it was inappropriate develop in the Green Belt and the footprint of the proposed new dwelling would be 30 per cent great than that of the barn.
They also believed the design of the dwelling would be out of keeping with the Green Belt location.

But Warrington Borough Council officers argued that certain forms of development were not inappropriate in the Green Belt – including the re-use of buildings that were of permanent and substantial construction.
A structural survey of the barn had shown that it was still of permanent and substantial construction.
The design of the new dwellings would be of a simple, agricultural character in keeping with the rural area.


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