Friends take on Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge for Moobs & Boobs


OLD school friends Tony Jenkinson and Nikki Dak took on the three peaks challenge to fundraise for breast cancer services at Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals.

Tony, who works as a HGV driver for Morrisons and volunteers for the Northwest Ambulance Service as an Enhanced Community First Responder started at Pen Y Ghent on the Sunday 9th October, and finished all three peaks in eight hours. Tony previously raised £1,700 for Moobs and Boobs by running a half-marathon in a fuchsia bra.
All money raised by Tony and Nikki will go to WHH Charity’s ‘Moobs & Boobs’ campaign, which aims to raise funds for all things breast care related at the Trust, for both men and women.
Supporting Tony on his mission up the mountains was old school friend, Nicola ‘Nikki’ Dak. Both Tony and Nikki completed the challenge in honour of friends diagnosed with breast cancer, including Jan Gregory, who had a mastectomy and is now fully recovered and heading back to work, as well as Michelle Thompson, who sadly passed away from breast cancer around three years ago.
Nikki, who is a self-employed Sports Therapist also accomplished the challenge in memory of her sister, Debbie White, who sadly lost her battle with breast cancer at the young age of 46.
“We both Tony and Nikki like a challenge and keep ourselves fit but we hit on the idea of doing something together after my pink bra run last year.
“Choosing Moobs and Boobs is not just for our loved ones but for all men and women who are affected by breast cancer,” says Tony.

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals Charity Head of Fundraising, Helen Higginson said: “We are so grateful to Tony and Nikki for once again choosing WHH Charity Moobs and Boobs Breast Care Unit appeal to become the benefactor when organising this incredible personal challenge.
“The Breast unit offers amazing diagnostics plus kind, compassionate care, however with continued support we can continue to provide those ‘above and beyond’ things which the NHS is unable to provide, one example is the ‘first fit post-operative bras’ for mastectomy patients that would otherwise cost the patient around £60.”
Tony and Nikki completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks on Sunday 9th October 2022, in support of the ‘Moobs and Boobs’ campaign.

To support Tony and Nikki raise funds for Moobs and Boobs campaign, visit Tony and Nikki’s Three peaks Just Ging Page – Tony and Nikki Jenkinson and Dack is fundraising for Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (


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