Green Belt farmhouse can be demolished to make way for new homes


OUTLINE plans to demolish a Green Belt farmhouse and adjoining buildings to make way for five new houses at Lymm have been given the go-ahead by Warrington planning chiefs.

The scheme is at Boarded Barn Farm, on Birchbrook Road, between Rush Green and Heatley.
It was opposed by Lymm Parish Council on the grounds it represented inappropriate development in the Green Belt and the site was at risk of flooding.
There were also concerns about the possibility of contaminated land.

But Warrington Borough Council planning chiefs say the site is adjacent to the Lymm settlement boundary and that none of the buildings proposed for demolition are listed.
The development will be smaller than the existing group of buildings and will have no greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing buildings.
Originally a farm, with associated paddocks, the site has been used for various commercial uses over the last 30 years while retaining residential use in the farmhouse, which dates from the early 19th century. Other buildings on the site include a workshop, detached garage and greenhouse. There is also hardstanding used to store 25 caravans.
An earlier plan for five houses on the site was refused in 2020.


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