Parish council objects to bungalow extension


LYMM Parish Council has lodged an objection to extension proposals at a semi-detached bungalow.

They claim the development in Statham Avenue, Lymm represents over-development of the site and that the style and “significant” size of the extension would not be in keeping with the street scene.
But no objections have been received from neighbours and Warrington’s development management committee is being recommended to approve the scheme.
The scheme involves the demolition of an existing garden storage building and the erection of a single-storey side and rear extension, external rendering, hip-to-gable roof extension, enlargement of a front dormer and installation of a new rear dormer.

Warrington Borough Council planning officers say the principle of the extensions is acceptable and there would be no unacceptable impacts on the character of the area, the residential amenity of neighbours nor on parking provision and the local highway network.


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