Residents’ group which transformed part of town celebrates 10 years


A RESIDENTS’ group which transformed an untidy part of Warrington is celebrating its 10th anniversary.

Longbarn Residents’ Association (LRA) – which boasts a membership of about 2,500 – has marked the occasion by planting a flowering cherry tree in honour of its founders, former Mayor and Mayoress of Warrington, Geoff and Wendy Orange.

LRA secretary Paul Adams said: “Geoff will baulk at these words. He positively shuns personal accolades.
“But he and Wendy work tirelessly – harder than anyone else concerned with LRA – for our association and our people. And for that, our Board of Trustees, our Management Committee and our community at large are hugely grateful.”
LRA considers all matters affecting the Longbarn community – lobbying local councillors, holding meetings with borough council officers and outside agencies such as the police, housing associations, the Land Trust, Home Office, Environment Agency, etc.
They organise litter picks, anti-dog fouling measures, grass cutting and general maintenance by volunteers, to keep the area looking pristine. LRA has received numerous awards from Britain in Bloom.

A six-weekly newsletter is published and there are regular dances, keep-fit classes, parties, a summer fete, annual fireworks extravaganza, coach trips, etc.
Mr Adams said: “But it wasn’t always like this. Go back 10 years and Longbarn was a relatively unloved and untidy part of the town.
“Geoff, Warrington born and bred and a Longbarn resident, famously supported by his wife, Wendy, decided to set up a residents group to tackle local problems.”
Geoff paid out of his own pocket to hire the local school for an inaugural meeting in 2012 and Longbarn Residents’ Association was born. In 2016, Geoff arranged for LRA to become a registered charity, opening the door to all kinds of fundraising opportunities.
Mr Adams added: “Longbarn is now a much loved and vibrant community.”


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