More than 600 have signed Book of Condolence


A BOOK of condolence has been available at Warrington Town Hall since the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II which has been signed by more than 600 people.

Many more residents have offered floral tributes, signing other physical books of condolence and equally submitting their messages to the national online book of condolence.
The Mayor of Warrington, Cllr Jean Flaherty, Consort Mr Terry Flaherty, the previous Mayor Cllr Maureen Creaghan, Deputy Mayor Cllr Graham Friend and Deputy Consort Cllr Diana Friend have also been taking a book of condolence to many care homes in Warrington to ensure that people who cannot physically come to the Town Hall still have a chance to participate and pay their respects.

There is still an opportunity to sign a book of condolence in Warrington.
Books will be available to sign:

  1. At St Elphin’s church, between 10am-3pm on Saturday 17 September, and from 8.30am until after the service of thanksgiving on Sunday 18 September, which begins at 11am
  2. At Warrington Town Hall on the evening of Sunday 18 September from 7pm-9pm, before and after the National Moment of Reflection at 8pm, and again on Tuesday 20 September between 9am-4.30pm

For further information about mourning arrangements can be found on the council website.


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