A chance to have your say on policing in Warrington


POLICE and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, is again asking residents for their input on his refreshed Police and Crime Plan.

It’s the Commissioner’s responsibility to publish a plan that sets out people’s priorities for policing and crime across the county.
You can have your say at: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/cpacp2022
The refreshed plan, based on feedback received from the public over the past year, sets out what has been achieved since the first plan was published and renews the Commissioner’s focus on the six key priorities. These are:

• Prevent and tackle crime
• Make Cheshire’s roads safer
• Deliver justice for victims of crime
• Protect vulnerable and at-risk people
• Improve public confidence in policing
• Modernise the police service

The Commissioner now wants your views on the refreshed plan and what issues you think need a particular focus on to make Cheshire even safer.

Mr Dwyer said: “I’m really pleased to be presenting my refreshed Police and Crime Plan, which details the progress made on people’s priorities over the past year and how I’ll continue working to deliver them.
“I promised to refresh this plan to ensure it remained reflective of residents’ priorities and that’s why before I finalise this refreshed plan I want to hear from people across Cheshire.
“It’s really important for me to get your views so I can ensure the Constabulary is serving the public in the way they expect. I look forward to hearing what people have to say and working with the Constabulary and our communities to make Cheshire an even safer place to live, work and visit.”
To read the refreshed Police and Crime Plan, visit www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk/what-the-commissioner-does/police-and-crime-plan
Share your views with the Commissioner at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/cpacp2022
The survey will close at midday on Wednesday 28 September 2022. After this, the Commissioner will take people’s feedback into account before publishing the final version of the refreshed Plan later this year.
To request a hard copy of the refreshed Police and Crime Plan, email [email protected]


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