Wine and beer group celebrates 45 years


LYMM Wine and Beer Circle has celebrated its 45th anniversary – and issued an invitation to anyone who would like to join them.

It was in 1977 that a group of a dozen or so friends who shared an interest in home-brewed beer and winemaking, gathered together to form the Circle.

Today the group boasts more than 70 members from all over South Warrington, whose main interests encompass tasting and enjoying wines and beers from all over the world.
The tastings are themed and among the topics they have covered are wines for Christmas, Old World v New World wines and most of the wine-producing countries around the world.
Earlier this year they had a fun and interesting Valentine’s evening tasting wine to celebrate the day and learned more about St Valentine. A “Call my Bluff” tasting is always popular!
Some members carry on the tradition of home brewing and you can get friendly advice and help on all aspects of home beer and winemaking.

Meeting on the third Wednesday of every month at the Spread Eagle pub, Lymm, there is a programme of tastings and talks on a whole range of topics, ranging from “Notorious Victorian Poisoners” to a talk from a world-class Scrabble champion. The talks always end with a tasting of the “Wine of the Month”.

Other events include vineyard, brewery and distillery visits around the UK and there are also have a summer barbecue, Christmas parties, theatre visits and Sunday walks.
If you’d like come along for some fun and a broadening of your wine and beer experience, together with an opportunity to meet new people, visit for more information.
Pictured: “Call my Bluff”


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