Walter – the homing pigeon who can’t find his way home


MEET Walter – the homing pigeon who can’t find his way home.

Walter – named after the 1940s Hollywood actor Walter Pidgeon – showed up in Janet Rand’s garden in Grappenhall some two weeks ago.
And after Janet started feeding him with bird seed, he seems to have decided he has a new home!

Janet said: “I often feed the birds in my garden, so when Walter turned up I started to feed him as well.
“I realise he belongs to someone because he has rings on his legs bearing a number. But although he comes for his food he won’t let me get hold of him so I can’t read the number.
“Actually I quite like having him around, but obviously if I could trace his owner I would be pleased to let him go home. He doesn’t stay all day – but he seems to know when I am putting the bird seed out.”

Alan Buckley, of Lymm Flying Club, said: “The lady is doing the right thing, provided the bird is not injured. He may be a bit confused, but if she keeps feeding him he will probably find his own way home eventually.
“At one time we used to try and catch stray birds, but that can be quite difficult, so we think it is better to let them find their own way home.”
Homing pigeons can usually find their way home over considerable distances – more than 1,000 miles have been recorded in competitive pigeon racing – and can fly at 60mph of more.
But at the moment, Walter seems to know when he’s on to a good thing and is content to relax at Grappenhall.


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