Year 11 students make Boteler “exceptionally proud” says headteacher


WARRINGTON’S Sir Thomas Boteler CE High School are “exceptionally proud” of all their Year 11 students’ GCSE achievements, the school said today.
Students have achieved both personal and academic goals, despite the challenges of the past two years, headteacher Beverley Scott-Herron said.
She said: “They have emerged with success and with the knowledge and understanding that they have the toolkit to achieve whatever their aspirations are for the future.
“Our students have performed incredibly well in their examinations and should be so proud of their results. Everything that we have put into place over the past few years in terms of improvements in teaching and learning is evident in what the young people are now achieving.
“The dedication and commitment shown by our Year 11 throughout this year has been truly inspirational and they really deserve this success.”
Some of the top performers were: Eliza Fox, Isaac Titchard, Everlynne Kelly, Bethany Carr and Pablo Mebus who all received a suite of 7-9 grades.
Mrs Scott-Herron added: ” There were many more amazing performances as success looks different for every individual child and we will be ensuring that everyone is praised for their efforts and achievements.
“Our young people are an absolute credit to our Boteler Family and they know that they will
continue to be supported by us. We know and understand that the past two years have not
been easy but we must not lose sight of what they have achieved both academically and
personally as young adults. Their hard work and results are testimony to their dedication and commitment and they never gave up. They always worked with us and knew that we believed in them. These amazing young people have been with us for five years and have overcome many barriers and challenges along the way to achieve these superb results and this is something they should be very proud of.
“Our High Expectations High Aspirations and High Standards are stronger than ever and
something which we have all drawn on to ensure we had clarity over our vision and values,
and making sure that our young people came first no matter what. Our faith and belief in our young people and school community is stronger than ever and ‘Through God, We Care’ about all our students. We never under estimate our role as educators as we are instrumental in the life chances of our young people we serve.
“The Class of 2022 will now be able to progress on to the next chapter, knowing that though
their hard work they have succeeded and we are very proud of each and every one of them.”


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