Go-ahead for two five-bedroom houses – despite objections


PLANNING chiefs have given the go-ahead for two five-bedroom houses to be built on the site of an existing bungalow at Lymm – despite objections from neighbours and the parish council.

Eight neighbours had opposed the plan to demolish the bungalow in Higher Lane and replace it with the two-and-a-half storey houses.

But Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee accepted recommendations from officers and approved the scheme.
The objectors claimed the houses would tower over adjoining properties, would be too close to them and would be out of character with the area.
There would also be a loss of trees and an invasion of privacy.
One objector claimed the rear windows of the proposed houses would give a view into the windows of a number of houses at the rear.

But planning officers said the principle of residential development was acceptable and the scheme would add to the borough’s housing supply.
Two previous applications to replace the bungalow were approved in 2008 and 2016 but did not proceed. A third application was refused.
The new houses will have integral garages, car parking and associated landscaping.


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