£2,000 was raised for Culcheth Village Library renovation fund


MORE than £2,000 was raised for Culcheth Village Library Renovation Fund by a Fiesta Day at Partridge Lakes, Culcheth.

The event was hosted by Barbara Ikin and her team from Partridge Lakes – and villagers turned up in force to enjoy the day.
The sky was blue, the sun shone and there were plenty of stalls and fun activities for people to enjoy
Janet Evans, of the Friends of Culcheth Library, said: “It was a huge success and there was an extremely varied range of things to do— the roundabout, karate exhibition, salsa dancing and a food stand to assuage people’s hunger were just some of the things.”
Keep fit guru Sue Chinn organised a treasure hunt for children.

There was a Culcheth Library stall, staffed by members Friends of Culcheth Library, which enabled them to share with local people the good news of what will soon be happening when the library renovation is carried out.
Janet added: “Thanks go to everyone who played their part on the day and gave of their time, but special thanks of course go to Barbara Ikin and her team of three extremely competent, pleasant and caring organisers – Daniella, Charlotte and Ellice. We cannot thank them enough for their help and generosity in aid of the library.”

A total of £1,800 was raised on the day which when added to the amount made on the library stall brought the total to just over £2,000.
Pictured below: Sue Chinn at the Culcheth Library stall


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