Popular pub refused permission for outdoor bar in storage container


A POPULAR Warrington pub has been refused permission to carry on using a storage container as an outdoor bar/servery area.

Six people had lodged objections to the use of the container at the Seven Woods pub in Westbrook Crescent.

Four other people had written letters supporting the pub – but Warrington Borough Council planning chiefs have turned down an application for planning consent.
The objections objection on the grounds of outlook, noise, odours, anti-social behaviour, vermin and removal of trees which had screened the site.
Supporters said there had been no increase in noise due to use of the container, that the proposal enabled the beer garden to be better supervised by staff and there were benefits for disabled customers who did not have to travel as far to be supervised.

Planning officers said the container, due to its siting and appearance, would have an unacceptably prominent impact on the surrounding area and would not be in keeping with the local area due to its industrial nature.
However, in principle, some form of outdoor bar/servery at the site would be acceptable.

Following the planning decision an update was posted on the pub’s facebook page, showing an updated image of the facility, stating: “We promised you an update after our container was updated and a planning decision was reached.
It’s not the news we were hoping for however, we are hoping we can work with our local planning team and community to reach a resolution.
Your support as ever is very much appreciated.”


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  1. Christopher Waywell on

    It probably needs to be covered better to make it less unsightly this will be peoples main objection to it, the end has already been done but it could be covered in a nice wood to make it more surf shack looking add a surf board and a few graphics and it would look even better. You just don’t plonk a metal container down and expect it to be acceptable to people. I however agree that for disabled people it is much better than having to struggle to the bar, but waiter service would be even better.

    • This industrial container can be resited in the beer garden, this is out of the way from people houses and easy access for disabled people, that’s what we all agreed we throught was happening

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