Is Warrington’s night-time economy right for the town?


WARRINGTON people, businesses and regulators with an interest in the night-time economy are being asked for their views on whether the council’s current licensing policy is still the right fit for the town.

Warrington Borough Council published its Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) in December 2019. It aims to support a safe, vibrant nighttime economy, by looking at whether there is evidence to show that the number, or density of licensed premises in a particular area is leading to local problems, such as crime and disorder and public nuisance.
Where there is evidence that the number or density of licensed premises in the area is having a negative impact, the CIA can help the licencing authority in determining whether a particular application will add to these issues or not.
The CIA is reviewed every three years to ensure there is still sufficient evidence to justify the continuation of the policy, based on the current situation.
Now, local people and businesses with an interest in the nighttime economy are being invited to get involved by visiting the consultation page- CLICK HERE, you can review the current evidence on the number of licensed premises, noise, crime and strength of public opinion, since the CIA for Warrington town centre, the Cultural Quarter and Stockton Heath was introduced.
You can then complete a short survey, where you can share your views on whether you think there is sufficient evidence for the continuation of a CIA in each of these areas, and upload any additional evidence.

Warrington Borough Council’s cabinet member for environment, housing and public protection, Cllr Hitesh Patel, said: “We want a strong, vibrant and welcoming night time economy, which prevents crime and disorder and public nuisance and which helps to keep people safe.
“It’s also important that our licensing policies are proportionate, evidence based and support responsible businesses to innovate and grow, at what is a difficult time for the hospitality sector.
“Before deciding on whether a special policy is still required, we must consult. If you have views or comments, please get involved in our consultation. All responses will be taken into account by our Licensing Committee when making their decision on any continued need for the special policy.”
The Cumulative Impact Assessment survey runs until Wednesday 14 September 2022.


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