Apartments plan for former chapel building


PLANS to convert the former chapel building in Chapel Lane, Stockton Heath into five apartments have been submitted to Warrington’s planning department.

The building – known latterly as Stockton Heath Christian Fellowship Church Hall and The Lighthouse – dates from 1828, when it was known as Providence Chapel.

But a Sunday School was established on land to the north of the site in 1807.
Historical records show the building was as a chapel in 1894, prior to the construction of the new Methodist Church in Walton Road.
After the new church was opened, the Chapel Lane building was used as a Sunday School and youth centre and has remained so until recently.
The plans involve changing the use of the building to residential and partial demolition to replace a two-storey rear extension to create five apartments with associated parking.
Warrington Borough Council planning chiefs will be considering the proposal shortly.


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  1. 5 apartments??associated parking so could possibly have 10 cars plus when having visitors must be a big car park or more cars on a road you can hardly park on anyway .Do these planning officers know what goes on

  2. Pingback: Flats Plan For Former Chapel Constructing - Gary Skentelbery - All About Corporate SEO

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