Powell defends Wolves players after fan abuse


WARRINGTON Wolves coach Daryl Powell defended his players after they were booed off following the 40-4 defeat against Leeds.

The ill-feeling post-match saw fans arguing amongst each other after one particularly irate fan hurled foul-mouthed abuse at players from the main stand.

That led to Wolves players Ben Currie and Mike Cooper both entering the main stand to ask for his removal.

In his post-match press conference, Powell said: “I don’t really know the full situation there but you never want to see that, do you.

“I understand everybody getting frustrated because people pay their money and they want to see a winning team.

“They have the right to vent their frustration but I don’t think they have a right to get physical with anybody, players’ families or what. I don’t know whether that happened but if it did then it shouldn’t.

“We can’t have that, it’s just not on. Players are putting their bodies on the line and they don’t get everything right. It’s a tough sport out there.

“We all want our fans to be happy and enjoy what they’re seeing.”

Warrington have now lost four games in a row, and in three of those, have conceded 40 points.

They travel to Wakefield next weekend having slipped to 10th in the Super League table.

Powell added: “It’s a tough season but it’s not a crisis. We want to win the competition and we want to win it multiple times. For us it’s a journey and the players are working hard to make that happen.

“Tonight can’t derail us. I still think we can get in the play-offs and it starts next week at Wakefield.”

Wire booed off after shipping 40 at home to Leeds


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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