A Quick Guide to Choosing between Oriented Strand Board and Plywood for Roofs, Walls, and Floors


There are so many different choices to make when it comes to building things like homes, offices, factories, schools, and other structures.

Each option will affect the final building in different ways. One choice might result in a beautiful, functional building at a low cost. Another alternative might result in a cheap, flimsy building that will require many repairs over the structure’s life.

Wooden roof framing works best with oriented strand board (OSB) or oriented strand board laminates (OSB-L). These products contain oriented strand boards (OSB), a type of flexible, waterproof composite board made from wood or other fibrous materials. Here is a quick guide to choosing between oriented strand board and plywood for roofs, walls, and floors.

Check the Cost

The cost of plywood is higher than the cost of oriented strand board. This means that builders, contractors, and homeowners will save money by making the roof, wall, and flooring choices that utilize oriented strand boards. This can significantly improve a home’s energy efficiency because it tends to be less expensive to insulate a house made from oriented strand board than plywood. You can compare the costs on reputable stores such as Materials Market.

Consider the Effectiveness and Workability

Plywood tends to warp more easily than oriented strand board as it is being cut. This can make it more challenging to get the pieces of plywood cut in precisely the right shape to fit together correctly. Also, the sheets of plywood cannot be nailed together until they are completely dry after the glue sets upon them, so there is some delay while they dry.

An oriented strand board does not have these problems, so building walls and roofs with it works out much more smoothly and quickly with less waste due to warped or misshaped pieces. This also makes it easier to keep costs down because materials are used efficiently rather than having large amounts wasted by poor quality cutting or delayed drying time later on in construction projects.

Compare the Durability and Strength

Plywood tends to be less durable than oriented strand boards. The strength of plywood can be compromised if it is left exposed to weather or if there are nails or staples in the wood that should have been removed before the plywood was used. It also can warp if exposed to moisture and is more likely to end up with fungus growing on it if this occurs.

Oriented strand board is much more durable than plywood and does not become warped even when left outside for an extended period. It also resists mold growth, so this does not happen at all.

Think of Your Project’s End Use

Oriented strand board is the best choice for indoor projects, and plywood is better suited to building outside structures. This is because plywood tends to crack and warp when it gets wet. It also becomes very heavy when it is extremely wet or constantly in contact with water, so it is not an excellent choice to use on things like docks or decking platforms that will be exposed to water at all times.

On the other hand, an oriented strand board can be used outside because it doesn’t crack or warp so easily in wet conditions, and it can be cut into sheets of any shape and size if you need those kinds of capabilities.


Oriented strand boards have most of the advantages of plywood but none of the disadvantages. It costs less, works better, and lasts longer, and there are no issues with warped or misshapen sheets that need to be cut accurately before they dry out. That makes oriented strand boards an excellent choice for home construction projects such as insulating walls and roofs, building decks and porches on houses, and various other items used in home construction projects like decks, window frames, and fence posts. You don’t have to worry about any of the problems caused by exposure during construction to moisture or extreme temperature changes that tend to affect plywood.





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