“Great night out” raises £1,165 for library renovation


A MUSICAL evening and hot pot supper raised £1,165 for Culcheth Village Library Renovation – and enabled local people to have a great night out as well.

The Step into Spring with Soundtrack event at Culcheth Village Club was attended by about 120 local people.

Janet Evans, of the Friends of Culcheth Library, said: “The Soundtrack band, led by Gwen Caddick, was brilliant and the players were very generous with their time and support in aid of the library.

“Wayne and Warren Bibby at The British Legion were also extremely generous in letting us have the room and the hot pot supper for a very reasonable price – it was their way of contributing to the renovation fund. Thank you to everyone

“We raised £1,165 from event tickets, raffle tickets, and donations.

“It was a lot of hard work but well worth it.”

“The library will soon become the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of Culcheth, and by definition, of Warrington Borough Council.”


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