Former MP welcomes Wolves’ decision to support Muslim Athlete Charter


THE town’s first Muslim mayor and MP, Faisal Rashid, has welcomed Warrington Wolves’ decision to back the Muslim Athlete Charter.

Mr Rashid, who was elected Warrington’s first citizen in 2016, hopes the move will lead to more members of the town’s Muslim communities taking an interest in the club and the sport.

“It would be fantastic if more members of the Muslim community started playing rugby league and supporting Warrington Wolves,” said Mr Rashid. “I am sure there is a lot of untapped potential there.”

Mr Rashid pointed out that some of the world’s greatest sportsmen have been practising Muslims, from Muhammad Ali and Sonny Bill Williams to Mo Salah and Mo Farah.

The Muslim athlete charter explains the challenges faced by players and staff who must fast during the period of Ramadan, which is a time of prayer and reflection.

Kylie Leuluai, Warrington Wolves’ player welfare manager, recently attended a Ramadan awareness workshop run by the Rugby Football League, which has become the first national governing body in England to endorse the scheme.

Wolves formally pledged their support to the Muslim athlete charter at half-time during the last Betfred Super League game at The Halliwell Jones Stadium against Wakefield Trinity as part of their plan to show zero tolerance to any form of discrimination.

Mr Rashid, the former Labour MP for Warrington South, said: “Warrington Wolves are doing some great work in this area and deserve a huge pat on the back. I look forward to the day when there are Muslim players in the men’s, women’s and wheelchair teams.”

Turning to Warrington’s current problems, after five defeats in a row, Mr Rashid urged supporters to turn out and get behind the team when they face Salford Red Devils in a crucial Super League game at The Halliwell Jones Stadium on Maundy Thursday, April 14.

“It won’t be easy but Warrington can turn their season round by beating Salford,” he added. “The players need our support more than ever. Come on the Wire.”


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