Culcheth Methodist churches to conduct same-sex weddings


CULCHETH and Glazebury Methodist Churches are now able to conduct same-sex marriages, or carry out blessings of previously registered same-sex marriages.

Both Culcheth and Glazebury church councils voted overwhelmingly in favour of the move at a recent meeting.

Last summer, the Methodist Church became the largest religious denomination in Britain to permit same-sex marriages, allowing each church to decide whether they wish to do so.

Rev Katharine Bland, the minister at both Culcheth and Glazebury, said “We have a real opportunity here to make a powerful witness to wider society on how to live together in peace, unity and mutual understanding, in spite of deeply held differing opinions. As John Wesley said: ‘Though we may not think alike, may we not love alike?’”

For contact information for both churches and up-to-date information about services and activities, visit or see the notices boards at the church. Telephone contact for Culcheth is 01925 762187 and for Glazebury is 01942 671938.

Although both churches have been impacted by the pandemic, with the restrictions on meeting, they did continue to worship online each week, held virtual coffee meetings and supported each other through the lockdowns.

Glazebury church provided a much-appreciated supply of facemasks for the community which has only just finished, and opened an outdoor coffee stall which was much appreciated in the village and by those cycling and walking by on Warrington Road– it will be open again over the Easter weekend.

At Culcheth, the grass area on Ellesmere Road was converted into a lovely community garden, with produce available to be picked, and a seating area for anyone to use, which has become a popular meeting point.

Both churches have Sunday morning services each week at 10.30am. There will also be a Passiontide service at Culcheth with a choir on Sunday April 10 (Palm Sunday) at 6.30pm.
At Culcheth, groups are meeting again, and all are open to anyone to join:
• Monday
o Prayer at 10am
o Monday Coffee at 10.30am – all welcome, to either, or both.
• Tuesday
o Tuesday Tots is at 10am
• Wednesday
o Choir Practice has restarted (new voices welcome) 7.30-9pm
• Thursday
o Meeting Point, fortnightly at 2pm, alternating an informal social meeting with a themed meeting, often with a speaker.
o Hearts and Hands at 7.15-9pm, a group that meets to share craft activities and fellowship – bring your own craft project, or work on something together.
In addition, there are Brownie, Guide, Cub and Scout groups that meet in the hall, and the church youth worker runs the Friday night Youth Tent at Newchurch Hall, a “Fresh” group in the church and works with young people in the High School.
At Glazebury there are various activities, again open to everyone:
• Coffee Morning – second Tuesday of every month 10.30-12noon
• Mens Breakfast – last Saturday of every month 9.30am for breakfast, with a local speaker at 10am.
• The Coffee Hut will be back up over the Easter Weekend
• April 5 – a coffee evening with craft stall and a talk about the creation of the tapestries in the church


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