Proactive work by police helps residents feel safe, says commissioner


A REDUCTION in neighbourhood crime and proactive work undertaken by Cheshire Police to help make residents and visitors to the county feel safe has been commended by Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer.

Neighbourhood crime includes burglary, robbery, vehicle offences and theft from the person. For the 12 months ending December, the county’s police recorded 6,087 neighbourhood crimes, a nine percent reduction on the same period in 2020.

One of the proactive measures police implemented was “Operation Shield”, which provides residents with the tools to mark their property and belongings.

SelectaDNA forensic coding is placed on items, meaning this marking can only be seen using a UV light. Once items are recovered they’re checked for SelectaDNA and if present, items can be returned to their owners.

More information about Operation Shield is available here

Mr Dwyer said: “I am extremely pleased with the reduction in neighbourhood crimes. Although, some of the Coronavirus measures put in place to keep people safe can be attributed to the decrease, the effective and efficient use of resources by the Constabulary to target these crimes has helped to make the county safer.

“In my Police and Crime Plan, preventing and tackling crime is a key priority for me. I made it clear that residents in the county deserve to live in a neighbourhood free of crimes that can make whole streets feel unsafe.

“My scrutiny process enables me to highlight areas of concern like neighbourhood crime and hold the Constabulary to account for what they’re doing to keep our communities safe.

“The proactive action taken by the Constabulary to tackle these abhorrent crimes, such as using the UV marking deterrent, has seen a decrease in this type of crime. But I know there is always more to do.

“By implementing both proactive and reactive policing, the residents of Cheshire can be reassured that all steps are being taken to make the county as safe as it can possibly be.”

To see the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan, visit

You can read more about the Commissioner’s scrutiny process at


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