Major boost as £22 million Town Deal funding approved


WARRINGTON’S ambitious Town Deal programme has taken a huge step forward, with confirmation that £22m funding for all seven projects has now been given the go-ahead by the Government.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has officially approved the business cases for each of Warrington’s seven projects, unlocking the entirety of £22.1m in funding for the town.

A new vision to invest in the future of the town, Warrington’s Town Investment Plan was submitted in 2020 by Warrington’s Town Deal Board – a group of business, political, leisure, cultural, community and education leaders.

Over the past 18 months, work to shape and develop all seven projects has been progressing well. The confirmation that the entire funding pot has now been unlocked means Warrington can forge ahead with delivering the transformative projects, which aim to engage, inspire and connect the town’s communities for generations to come.

The seven projects are:

  • A cutting-edge, purpose-built bus depot, funded by the Town Deal, Warrington Borough Council and the Getting Building Fund. Work has just got under way on the depot, which by 2023 will have the capability to support an all-electric fleet of buses.
  • A digital enterprise hub, which will support digital innovation across all disciplines – including artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality, e-commerce, gaming and automation.
  • A health and social care academy (HSCA), which will offer opportunities to build a social care workforce in Warrington fit for the future. Identified as a Town Deal fast-track project, the academy at Warrington & Vale Royal College will train the next generation of health and social care professionals in Warrington.
  • A health and wellbeing hub, where people will be able to access a range of services under one roof.
  • An advanced construction & civil engineering (ACCE) centre, which will support the engineering, construction, nuclear and allied industries.
  • A remastered cultural hub at the Pyramid, improving the arts centre to become a place that will nurture the arts professionals of the future, providing a modern and flexible creative space to collaborate, produce, present and perform
  • A comprehensive active travel programme, putting in place the right infrastructure to encourage more walking and cycling throughout the town centre.

Chair of the Warrington Town Deal Board and MD of Muse Developments, Matt Crompton, said: “It’s absolutely fantastic news that of all of the funding is now in place to deliver our Town Deal programme. These projects came about following extensive public and stakeholder engagement, and the Government’s approval of each of our seven business cases is validation that the proposals we have put forward are the right ones for Warrington.

“I’m looking forward to seeing our Town Deal programme continuing to progress at pace in the months and years ahead, with a range of partners working together to deliver some truly pioneering projects which will bring massive benefits to Warrington for generations to come.”

Warrington Borough Council Leader, Cllr Russ Bowden, said: “Warrington’s Town Deal is a great example of how, by working in partnership, we can deliver some truly innovative projects which make a real difference to people’s lives.

“The confirmation of this funding shows real recognition in our vision for Warrington and paves the way for us to drive ahead with these seven transformative schemes. Together, they will have the power to positively impact all of our residents in different ways, enriching lives and helping us build a better future for our town.”

Welcoming the news Warrington South Mp Andy Carter added: “Projects are underway, some will create physical changes in the town, such as a health and well-being hub and like building a new bus depot creating space for new homes, others will address skills shortages with dedicated training academies and the support for the Pyramid Arts Centre addresses a long-standing problem that was first discussed shortly after I was elected. All of these projects have the support of business groups, education leaders and politicians from all sides with the aim of improving life in Warrington.

“When you add the Town Deal to £25m funding for a new electric bus fleet we’re seeing more than £50m into the town from this Conservative Government.”

For more information about the Warrington Town Deal, visit


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