Police commissioner scores a “first” for people with disabilities


CHESHIRE police and crime commissioner John Dwyer has become the first commissioner in the country to produce three different versions of his police and crime report.

Mr Dwyer has produced Easy Read, Audio and British Sign Language versons of the annual report – empowering people to keep informed and have their say when it comes to policing and crime priorities.

Producing the plan in these three formats make it easier for people with disabilities to have access to them.

The plan is where the commissioner sets out his overall vision for policing in the county.

It also sets out the strategic direction for Cheshire Constabulary and how the Commissioner will hold the Chief Constable to account in delivering on the public’s priorities.
The easy read versions are designed to help those who have learning disabilities and visual and audio impairments to access the plan and engage with policing on the issues that matter to them.

Mr Dwyer said: “Nobody should feel that they can’t have the same level of access to information or share their views, especially when it comes to policing.

“In the plan itself, I talk about embracing the diversity of our communities and that includes disabled people. Since taking office I have met with different groups, including the Deafness Support Network (DSN) and agencies who provide support for those with learning difficulties, to better understand people’s policing needs.

“It’s important to turn words into action and that’s what I’ve done by producing these accessible versions. I want to thank the DSN and Disability Positive in particular for helping me and my office throughout this process.

“I know there will always be more to do when it comes to how I and the police can improve the way we serve disabled people. My plan will be refreshed later this year, and every year, as the needs of the people of Cheshire change and the accessible versions will change along with it. I want to keep engaging with groups like the DSN and Disability Positive throughout this process to ensure that disabled people are heard in the policing conversation.”

Accessible versions of the Plan are available here: www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk/what-i-do/making-cheshire-safer/police-and-crime-plan/accessible-versions-of-police-and-crime-plan/
You can find out more about the Deafness Support Network at: www.dsnonline.co.uk
To read more about Disability Positive, visit: www.disabilitypositive.org
If you’d like a hard copy of either the original or easy read version of the plan, contact [email protected].


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