Eight-storey residential block approved for town centre


OUTLINE plans have been approved for an eight-storey block of up to 40 affordable apartments in Warrington town centre.

The development has been given the green light by Warrington Borough Council planners for land in Stanley Street – adjacent to the existing telephone exchange building.

Applicant Chesro Ltd, of Worsley, Manchester plan to build a mixed-use development, with for self-contained apartments, two of which will be three-bedroom, 10 of which will be two-bedroomed and 28 of which will be single bedroomed.

The ground floor will be taken up for commercial uses.

Site for the building is between Stanley Street and Wilson Patten Street and it has most recently been used as a commercial car park.

A number of three-storey, residential buildings which are Grade 2 Listed building are adjacent to the site.

The developers say the eight-storey development provides an important opportunity to secure the enhancement of both the Stanley Street group of Listed buildings and the setting of the Palmyra Square Conservation #area.

The heritage benefits to be derived from the uplift in design and material quality and masking of the poor-quality facade to the telephone exchange building are considered to outweigh any minimal harm caused.


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