“Drive-through” plans approved – but only just!


CONTROVERSIAL plans for a drive-through coffee shop through and a drive restaurant have been approved by Warrington planners – but only just.

Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee split equally on the proposals at Omega South and the deputy chairman Cllr Helen Milner had to use her casting vote to push the scheme through.

In fact, it appeared few, if any, councillors wanted to approve the scheme as there was an abortive attempt to delegate the decision to officers.

More than 50 nearby residents had lodged objections to the scheme – part of a plan for a new Lidl supermarket.

There were also objections from borough councillors representing Great Sankey North, Whittle Hall, Burtonwood and Winwick.

Outline planning consent for a mixed-use development, including food and drink, had already been granted on a previous occasion.

The opposition was mainly to the drive-through elements of the proposals. Some residents supported the plans for a Lidl supermarket.

Residents and councillors draw attention to healthy eating aspects of the proposals, particularly as they would be close to schools. There were also concerns about litter, noise, traffic, anti-social behaviour, lack of consultation and impact on the local environment.

Objectors pointed out that there are already a number of supermarkets, coffee outlets and McDonald’s within a 3km radius.

But officers said the proposals were in line with the existing outline consent. They said there are tangible benefits in allowing the drive-through proposals as it was unlikely that the supermarket scheme would prove viable without them.

It was also likely that if the scheme was refused there would be a costly appeal which the council would lose.

They recommended the application by Omega Warrington Ltd (OWL) be approved – and the committee reluctantly agreed.


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