Tories call for resignation of Labour leadership team following collapse of Together Energy


THE opposition Tory group on Warrington Borough Council is calling for the resignation of the controlling Labour group’s leadership team following the collapse of council-backed Together Energy.

The Conservative group has called an Extraordinary Meeting of the Borough Council which will be held on Wednesday 9 February at the Parr Hall. The meeting has been called to debate the circumstances and status of the council’s investment in Together Energy (TE), the implications for its finances and how this reflects on the Council’s investment strategy.

They are also calling for a vote of no confidence in Labour Leader Cllr. Russ Bowden and his deputy Cllr. Cathy Mitchell.

Cllr Russ Bowden and his deputy Cllr. Cathy Mitchell

Leader of the Conservative Group, Cllr. Kath Buckley, has called for the disclosure of all background information, including Cabinet reports and papers, to be placed before Councillors in advance of the meeting. She said: “Specifically we are requesting a paper which chronologically summarises all of the activities, key information, events and decisions associated with the Council’s involvement with Together Energy commencing with the initial identification of Together Energy as a potential target for investment up to the current entry of TE into administration.”

In addition Cllr Buckley has written to the Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources asking 42 separate questions, all on the Council’s investment in Together Energy.

She added: “It is expected that the answers to these questions will shed a lot more light on the apparent madness of the TE investment following the eye-watering losses incurred previously by Nottingham and Bristol Councils in similar ventures.”

Once the facts have been published and Councillors’ questions answered, the Conservative Group will be calling for an inquiry.

Cllr. Ken Critchley, who is the Conservative Group spokesperson for Finance, will propose motions calling for an independent open inquiry and to incorporate lessons learnt into a new investment strategy for the council before any new investments can be authorised by the Labour Cabinet.

Finally, Cllr. Nigel Balding (Con), will propose a motion of no confidence in the Council’s Leader and Deputy Leader. He said: “One thing that has been hugely frustrating for Conservatives over the last year is that we have been calling repeatedly for WBC to sell its investment in Together Energy.”

“We’ve put numerous motions and questions to this Labour-led Council about the investment and repeatedly called for WBC to change strategy and cut its losses. Instead more time, energy and money have been thrown at TE in futile attempts to save the company.”

“With a £52 million potential exposure this works out at £531 per household in Warrington.”

“Warrington residents have lost confidence in the Council’s leadership. On Wednesday 9 February I hope that all elected Councillors will listen to their residents and vote for change at the top.”

Labour Cllrs. have been advised not to comment on the Together Energy situation pending the ongoing administration process.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

1 Comment

  1. I note the word ‘advised’ in “labour councillors have been advised not to comment on TE”. Will there be anyone brave enough to hear the advice and reject it?

    If any come up with the old excuse of the ‘sub-judice’ principle they need to be firmly told the liquidation is not a legal case and comment is not prohibited The liquidator and administrator is a professional firm and they will make their own minds up whatever anyone else says.

    Assuming Con, LD & Ind are together on this then it just needs 8 of the several unhappy Lab Cllrs to vote for the motion.

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