Police holiday club for Orford youngsters gets a £2,300 boost


A HOLIDAY club for children at Orford, Warrington, got a £2,300 boost from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s community action fund.

The Kops ‘n’ Kids sessions are used by Cheshire Police to engage youngsters in activities such as sport, crafts, dance and music during school holidays, diverting them away from possibly getting involved in anti-social behaviour.

Each year, the Commissioner sets aside £100,000 to fund projects or initiatives that will deliver community safety or crime prevention activities – such as Kops ‘n’ Kids.

PCC John Dwyer said: “Kops N Kids builds positive relationships between officers and children in their communities and breaks down the barrier between kids and the people behind the uniform.
“Playing football or basketball or finding a shared taste in music or other interests helps develop common ground between young people and the police.

“Providing diversionary activities like this is so important as it provides young people with a channel to pour their positive energy into. They benefit individually, their families benefit, and the whole community benefits too.”

Over three action packed days, the Orford children enjoyed an array of activities. These included: archery, laser tag, playing on mobile arcade machines, ‘Nerf’ gun battles, basketball and football.

More information about the Community Action Fund is available here: https://www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk/what-i-do/making-cheshire-safer/community-action-fund/


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