Inspirational Santa Dash raises funds for good causes


Pictures John Hopkins
VIDEO: INSPIRATIONAL Santas took part in a 3k Santa Dash at Walton Hall & Gardens raising funds for a variety of good causes.

None were more inspirational than amputee Jill Doran, who completed a lap of the circuit on her bum – raising funds for Dog Aid, a charity that help train pet dogs to become fully qualified Assistance Dogs, to help their physically disabled owners and Warrington Disability Partnership who organised the event, sponsored by Birchwood Shopping centre.

Jill, also became the latest recipient of a Warrington Worldwide Legacy project grant of £500, after inspiring Editor Gary Skentelbery, who was also taking part in the event as part of his challenge to run the equivalent of 30 half marathons, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the charity.

Runners of all ages and abilities completed up to four circuits of the gardens, which is also hosting the charity’s grotto.

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And they’re off – the inspirational Santas set off – Picture John Hopkins


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