MP welcomes police bravery award nominees to Parliament


WARRINGTON South MP Andy Carter welcomed two ‘hero’ Warrington Police officers to Parliament ahead of the Police Bravery Awards 2021 in London.

Sergeants Joe McNally and Dave Schofield, who are both based at Warrington Police station managed to rescue a woman after going into the River Mersey at Bridge Foot earlier in the year. When both of them arrived at the scene, they couldn’t see the woman, but patrols identified the approximate area of the river the woman had entered and saw that she was submerged under the water.

Sgt McNally and Sgt Schofield immediately climbed over the barrier and jumped down a high drop onto a small riverbank. Despite the fast-flowing water they managed to get into the river and swim to the woman, eventually managing to drag her along the side of the river and onto the bank, ultimately saving her life.

Mr praised their bravery in Parliament ahead of a national awards ceremony in London, thanking them for their commitment to service and for representing going beyond the call of duty. He said:

“I’m so pleased Sgt McNally and Sgt Schofield were able to join me in Parliament with their families so that I could thank them personally for the heroic efforts. Making split-second decisions, risking their own lives is something that many Police Officers have to do on a daily basis, and I want them to know that everyone in Warrington South appreciates what they do.

“Their actions saved the life of a young woman and meant her family was spared the pain of grief, their instincts and bravery are something we can all be proud of.

Cheshire Police Federation Chair, Jamie Thompson, who also attended the visit said: “It has been an honour to accompany our brave officers and their partners to London. To have the opportunity to have a tour of Parliament was an experience that we will not forget. I am extremely grateful to Andy Carter MP and his team for their help in arranging this and their warm hospitality.”

As well as being nominated for The National Bravery Awards, Sgt McNally and Sgt Schofield received a Chief Constable’s Commendation.

The National Police Bravery Awards honour officers from across England and Wales who have performed outstanding acts of bravery while on or off duty.


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