Time is running out to have a say on policing and crime


TIME is running out for Warrington residents to have a say in the biggest ever survey of policing and crime in Cheshire.

The deadline for responses is 23:59 on Sunday December 5.

It’s been three weeks since Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer’s survey began to be delivered to resident’s homes, with everyone encouraged to share their views and influence the future of policing in Cheshire.

The survey can be returned via the freepost envelope that was delivered with it or completed online at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5P75ZBS

Mr Dwyer said: “I have received a great amount of feedback through this survey, and I’d encourage those who haven’t given their opinions yet to be part of the largest consultation exercise that their Commissioner has ever carried out.

“I’m unable to fulfil my role to its full potential if I don’t know what you want me to hold the Chief Constable to account for. By sharing your feedback we can all make Cheshire a safer place to live, work and visit.”

In the survey, the Commissioner is also gauging the public’s view on the policing precept – the part of council tax that goes to the police.

Mr Dwyer added: “I want to know what level of resources people feel needs to be available to deliver on their policing and crime priorities. In the survey I have given a number of options for residents to consider.

“In the new year I will be coming back to the residents of Cheshire with a formal proposal for the precept that will reflect the feedback I’ve received in this survey.”

To take the Commissioner’s survey online visit www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5P75ZBS


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