Pharmacy services – a chance to have a say


RESIDENTS of Warrington are being asked for their views on pharmacy services in the borough.

Responses will inform the local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which is a mandatory requirement of local Health and Wellbeing Boards.
The public’s contribution to this assessment will help in understanding whether pharmacy provision in the borough meets local need, both now and in the coming years.
Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, cabinet member for housing, public health and wellbeing, said: “Your local pharmacy is a good first point of contact for dealing with the vast majority of health concerns. It’s the first place people should turn to when they have a concern about their health or that of their family.
“Pharmacists can give you expert advice to help with minor health conditions such as a cough, cold, or a sore throat, they can help you to manage a long-term health condition, and provide vaccinations such as the annual flu jab.
“This is why it is important we look into the needs of our population and how pharmacies can continue to meet these needs. I want to ask everyone to get involved and take a few minutes to respond to this survey, which will help us to shape the future of services in Warrington.”
The survey is anonymous and should only take a few minutes to complete.
Residents who wish to get should complete the survey online via the council’s website.
Anyone who would like a paper copy of the survey should contact the council’s public health team at [email protected] or call 01925 442487 or 01925 443067.
The survey will close on Tuesday, November 30.


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  1. really cheesed off with the change in ordering repeat prescriptions !!!!! before i would just ring /call in the chemist and request my repeat order – now i have a succession of passwords etc etc and at the end it does not “”” COMPUTE “”” – so i write a letter with my request – post at the surgery and wait 48 /62hrs for prescription i read that the change was due to uncollected prescriptions and wastage — SIMPLES ! you order your repeat ‘script from Chemist – not collected within 4 days it goes back into stock and the patient then has to reapply

    • The system at my GP and Pharmacy for repeat prescriptions is simple and works well. The repeat request is made on line – only one password required – for those over 80 the request can be made by phone, the request is sent to the pharmacy, and four working days later the prescription can be collected from the pharmacy.

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