Here are the Most Dangerous Jobs in the UK


There are certain risks and hazards in every type of job and even a typical desk-based job can lead to accidents and injuries.

There are some jobs and industries that are much more hazardous than others, though, so what are a few of the most dangerous jobs in the UK? Read on to find out more.


Unsurprisingly, it is construction that is deemed to be the most dangerous career in the UK. According to a study, there were 133 death in construction over a 5 year period and it accounted for 1 in 6 deaths overall. There are many potential dangers in this industry, uncaring operating heavy equipment, falls from height, slips, trips and falls and vehicles just as a few examples. Construction accounted for 16.34% of fatalities in the workplace between 2015 and 2020.


The same study found farming to be the second most dangerous profession accounting for 15.60% of workplace fatalities between 2015 and 2020. Working with heavy machinery is the main issue with farming work as well as working with livestock, which can be unpredictable. One of the main reasons that farming is dangerous and can lead to fatalities and serious injury is that people are often working alone and in remote areas, so it is much harder for people to get prompt medical attention.


Manufacturing is another hazardous industry that accounts for many injuries and fatalities. Similar to construction, there are many potential dangers here including working with heavy machinery, falls from height and slips, trips and falls. This can also be a hazardous industry because people are often working in difficult and stressful conditions, which can make the likelihood of an accident more likely. Manufacturing accounted for 12.90% of workplace fatalities between 2015 and 2020.

Providing a Safe Environment

It is clear from these roles that there are certain factors that make a job dangerous. Working with heavy equipment and machinery, heights and slips, trips and falls are all serious issues in any workplace. If someone is involved in an accident at work that was not their fault, they may look to seek compensation with personal injury solicitors as it is the responsibility of the employer to provide a safe work environment for their employees.

There are dangers in every role, but the above are the most dangerous jobs in the UK and it is vital that health and safety is a priority in these industries to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries that are sustained each year.





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