How to dispose of the garden wastes in an eco-friendly way


Having a garden is a dream for so many people because of how beautiful it makes the house feel. But what they don’t understand is that it is a headache to maintain it. 

Owners of gardens know how difficult it is to take care of the garden and later, dispose of all the dirt and garbage that has come out after all the hard work. This is a separate chore apart from the sheer management of the garden.

You may just throw it away with your usual kitchen waste, but it is not the same as them. And it will be a tad bit easier on mother nature if you take some time and separate this garbage from the rest of your trash.

You must have heard that a lot of people burn off their garden waste. But that is the worst method you could opt for! Check further to get some ideas to get rid of your garden waste. 

What steps do you need to take for different parts of your garden waste? 

For grass clippings

The best way to get rid of grass clippings is to not get rid of them! Weird right? But yes, you can leave your grass right where you have cut it. This particular method is called grasscycling. In a few days, the clippings will degrade on their own and provide nutrients to the newer ones. 

For piled up leaves

Instead of filling big bags with leaves and discarding them, mow these leaves with your grass and cut them into smaller pieces. Let them stay on the mowed lawn and just like those grass clippings, these leaves will also provide the necessary nutrients and add nitrogen to the ground, making it healthy.

For large shrubs, sticks and branches

Unlike the grass and leaves, shrubs and branches are relatively bigger and a little more difficult to cut to pieces. So instead of trying to shred them, you can simply bury them wholly into the soil. In some time, they will degrade and turn into compost.

Or you can contact the nearby sanitation department or nurseries and they will come to get these shrubs. They have all the proper equipment to cut these shrubs and make a compost out of it.

For rocks or stones

Random rocks or stones can be arranged neatly to look like a great piece of art in your garden. Get a little craftier and decorate these rocks with colours and other things to make them look fancy. But if you want to discard them, call up the sanitation department and they will take them away for you.

For seasonal décor

We all love decorating our houses during festivals. But in the end, only dead flowers remain. It is a sad sight but it’s life. Well, these flowers can be put to use by adding them to your compost mixture.


Garden waste looks like a waste if you aren’t aware of their brilliant uses. Next time you mow your lawn, keep these points in mind for a healthy garden. Also, you can contact the professional rubbish removal company like Quick Wasters to collect and dispose of the wastes.



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