MP urges residents to have a say on future of Fiddler’s Ferry site


WARRINGTON South MP Andy Carter is urging residents to have a say on the future of Fiddler’s Ferry, the former coal-fired power station which will now be included in the Council’s Draft Local Plan.

The MP recently visited the site to see for himself the areas that will be included in the plan, meeting with the owners of the site, SSE, who are responsible for the demolition of the turbine hall and colling towers.

The site’s inclusion in the Council’s Draft Local Plan comes after years of campaigning from Mr Carter, who wants to see Brownfield sites such as Fiddler’s Ferry be prioritised over building on the green belt.
Mr Carter said: “Fiddler’s Ferry is a vast area, and travelling across the site there’s already a huge amount of demolition and remediation work taking place and work has already begun to clear the ash piles where homes and businesses can be built.
“One of the benefits to using this site over others is that Fiddler’s Ferry access to railway connections with a line which is currently used only for freight. Linking homes with good public transport infrastructure is really important. Any plans need to ensure that there is the necessary infrastructure for schools, GPs and community centres. I’m very pleased to see that these outline proposals would protect the lagoons as part of a nature park as well as allowing them to be used for activities such as sailing.
“Warrington Borough Council will launch a 6-week consultation in early October into the draft local plan and I would encourage residents to look carefully at what’s being proposed by the council as these plans are going to impact on all our lives .”
The site will undergo major remediation works which will see the demolition and removal of the power station and its eight cooling towers that has dominated the local skyline for generations. In its place will arise a new employment hub and two new urban villages set within an extensive parkland landscape, that will engage sensitively with the Mersey riverside and link with the Widnes Waterfront area.
To view the plans visit the Council’s website at:


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Andy Carter your becoming a Crazy individual where Warrington is now Screwed… For isntace joing Warrington with St Helens and Liverpool worse mistake ever you’ve open up Warrington too more Crime and people will die hense why im moving out of Warrington I have never like scousers drugs death and crime plus they are wanting to bring more scousers into Warrington were Cheshire is not Merseyside now fiddlers ferry gonna be taken for more houses all for the £££ not the people….when this happens there will be issues and your actions will be spending millions cleaning it up…. Torus is a joke the people that work for WBC on fixing homes they have all left torus a majority left … the Question is why why don’t you take your notebook and ask people time you think about Warrington not the crime ring you have set in place and removing fiddlers ferry will be sad to see go… but instead of homes why not make work businesses because work helps to provide security for the people ….. Torus biggest joke in Warrington Liverpool shitty Housing as many of us are calling it think about Warrington and not your pocket……..

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