Former Mayor renews call for council to sign Pledge for Peace


FORMER Mayor of Warrington Geoff Settle is again calling on the Borough Council to sign a Pledge for Peace ahead of International Peace Day next Tuesday, September 21.

With the council also still considering making another bid for City Status, Geoff would like to ask council leader Cllr Russ Bowden, the day before International Peace Day, at Full Council if he will commit to looking to make Warrington a Pledge to Peace signatory.
He said “The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace is an associate member of the Oldham Pledge to Peace Forum.
“In 2016 as Mayor I was delighted to welcome a delegation headed by the Mayor and Mayoress of Oldham to the Peace Centre and hear how they had become the first place in the UK to sign. They encouraged me to set the wheels in motion for Warrington.
“Warrington is known internationally as the host of the UK’s only specialist Peace Foundation, born out of a tragedy in our town, that is working for conflict resolution and reconciliation.”
The Peace Foundation is a signatory of the Pledge to Peace. The Pledge to Peace is a global initiative where local authorities and civil society organisations ‘pledge’ to take practical actions to build peace in their local community and across communities.
Geoff continued “At the June 2017 Full Council meeting former councillor Dan Price in reply to my question about Warrington’s Pledge to Peace. He told me not now but it would be considered as part of a future bid by Warrington if it ever went for City status.
“Cllr Russ Bowden has recently indicated that WBC is considering applying for City status.
“My question is does the promise made by Dan on behalf of Warrington Borough Council still hold and is Warrington now going to apply to be a signatory of the Pledge to Peace.
Richard Outram, Oldham’s Peace Secretary, who was a member of their delegation in 2016 said “Signing the Pledge in support of that application would signify Warrington’s desire to be seen as a City of Peace if successful in it’s bid.”
Geoff met up again with Richard in Oldham eighteen months ago to hear and see some of the work that they have done. He was shown the magnificent Peace Garden and Princess Diana memorial place.
He said “Richard has spearheaded a number of projects and inspired over fifty community projects through the Oldham Forum over the years.
“I remember the riots that took place there several years ago and actually taught a Young Enterprise module during the summer to High School Class which was interesting to say the least. To top it all the Headmaster turned out to be my former bosses husband.
“I have hopefully found a place in my local parish, which has experienced it’s fair share of tradegedy. The place is secure and safe where I believe a peace garden could be developed and a peace pole planted.
“I have approached the guardian of the plot of land and they have indicated that they like the proposal and will get back to me as soon as they have met and consulted with their peers.
“Don’t get the idea that I’m focusing on tragedy the pledge will be looking out for examples of peace initiatives, ideally uplifting and I’d like to hear from the Warrington communities for uplifting projects.
“I know they are out there because I the way communities come together during my time as Deputy and Mayor of Warrington. Hopefully, the Pledge to Peace can inspire people.”
A Borough Council spokesperson said: “The council is still considering applying for city status as part of the Platinum Jubilee Civic Honours Competition. If the ultimate decision is to apply for city status, ideas and proposals linked to the city status bid, including being a signatory of the Pledge for Peace, would also be considered.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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