Crumbling library wall to be replaced


BOROUGH council planning chiefs have cleared the way for improvement work on a crumbling rear wall at Warrington Library – a Grade 2 Listed building.

Members of the development management committee granted planning permission for the wall to be demolished and rebuilt on a new foundation.

Officers recommended the scheme be approved as there would be “less than substantial” harm to the building but significant benefit to the public.
The wall is currently propped up on a temporary basis.
Councillors also agreed to grant Listed Building consent.
The design, height and method of construction of the new retaining wall would be in keeping with the character and appearance of the existing.
Although would be some loss of historic fabric, it is believed the wall has been rebuilt at some time in the past.
The historic significance of Warrington Library lies within its aesthetic, communal and evidential value. This value arises predominantly from the main library building, the committee was told.


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