Flooding and extreme temperatures are “just tip of iceberg” as campaigners urge MPs to support CEE bill


RECENT flooding and extreme temperatures are just the “tip of the iceberg” according to Climate and Ecological (CEE) Alliance Group campaigners in Warrington.

Climate change is happening at a faster rate than anyone would have thought possible only a few years ago and the Warrington CEE Alliance Group is actively campaigning and lobbying local MPs Charlotte Nichols, Warrington North and Andy Carter, Warrington South, to support the CEE Bill.

Unfortunately, neither has yet been able to commit to this although more than 110 MPs across the UK have publicly shown their support for the CEE Bill as well as the Conservative peer, Baroness Verma.
The CEE Alliance Group has recently had stalls in Lymm, Stockton Heath and Warrington Market to talk to residents about the crisis and to explain that they can play their part and make their voices heard by writing to their MP. They will be holding further events to help do this so if you see them, they would love you to say hello.
In addition to this, the Group has written an open letter to Warrington’s MPs calling on them to commit to supporting the Bill by adding their names to the list of MPs who have already done so.
Warrington Wolves, Cheshire Wildlife and Warrington Borough Council have all signed the open letter. In addition, Lymm, Poulton with Fearnhead Parish Councils and Birchwood Town Council have committed to supporting the Bill.
Warrington Wolves RLFC CEO Karl Fitzpatrick said: “At Warrington Wolves, we are committed to doing our bit in the fight against the climate emergency and the negative ecological effects we, as a species, are having on our planet.
“We are pleased to sign the open letter calling on the town’s MPs to sign the CEE Bill and look forward to making a real difference.”
The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill means the Government will have to explain exactly how it will reduce the UK’s carbon emission and halt the decline in biodiversity. It also asks the Government to create Citizen’s Assemblies, involving people from all walks of life in the decision-making process as we transition to a carbon-neutral economy. The Bill has been updated to provide a framework of overarching policy imperatives that recognise the UK’s responsibility to reduce the UK’s entire emissions and ecological footprint, urgently and fairly.
Business and organisations can sign the open letter here:CLICK HERE

Charlotte Nichols & Andy Carter

Jen Murphy, 41, a local resident and member of the CEE Bill Alliance Group, says:“Our MPs think that by making vague references to technical parliamentary procedure, or to the widely-condemned Conservative Environmental Bill -which doesn’t even mention carbon! – that they are answering important questions on climate. They are not. We expect more from them.”
Another resident and supporter of the Bill is a former director of commercial real estate with international property firm JLL, Ben Tolhurst who adds: “The CEE Bill is an opportunity for green jobs and prosperity in our town. It’s time that the politicians take note. We have a strong industrial and entrepreneurial heritage in the town. Now is the time for a greater focus on green jobs to safeguard the future of families in Warrington, building a strong and fair economy that serves everyone’s interests.”
But Warrington South MP Andy Carter said: “I am supportive of the steps needed to tackle climate change and the UK is leading the G7 in this regard but having looked at the details in the Bill I’m afraid I don’t support the legislative framework, this is a law being introduced with the support of groups such as Extinction Rebellion as a Private Members Bill having neither the support of Government nor the Official Opposition.”
“Getting to net-zero by 2050 is feasible and consistent with avoiding most damaging climate change. The CEE Bill would introduce a requirement for this target to be achieved sooner, and while I can understand that many want this, and I share this desire, requiring zero emissions by 2030 as outlined in the Bill is almost certainly impossible, hugely disruptive and will be most impactful on those that can least afford it.”
“The Bill would require the Government to form a Citizens Assembly, answerable to nobody and would mandate Parliament to legislate based on their direction. Giving binding legal powers to a body which is not accountable to the UK electorate does not sit well with the democratic process we have in the UK.”
“The UK accounts for around 1% of global emissions and my strong belief is that the Government should use it’s current Presidency of Cop 26 to influence other countries, in particular China, the US and India, to make significant changes in relation to their emissions, which would be globally beneficial.
“Achieving net-zero will benefit everyone and it is important that we work together to make it happen, I welcome the increased awareness and debate that this Bill brings. There is no doubt that climate change is an emotive and real issue, but a cross-community consensus will be required to ensure the UK achieves a transition that works for all.”
Warrington North Mp Charlotte Nichols said:” TheClimate and Ecological Emergency (CEE Bill) is a Private Members Bill which, while laudable in its aims, is unlikely to become legislation- just as its predecessor bill failed to last year.
“Given the urgency of action to meet the challenge of the climate emergency, I have been working since I was elected on the decarbonisation of heat and transport through the BEIS Select Committee, on a hydrogen strategy as an officer of the APPG on Hydrogen, and on securing the next generation of nuclear generation which will support jobs here in Warrington and provide low carbon electricity to millions of homes. Equally, I have voted for measures including promoting biodiversity, protecting our green spaces, and ensuring that our trade deals don’t undermine our climate objectives.
“I will continue this work, alongside climate campaigners in Warrington and the wider region, to ensure my time in Parliament is used most effectively to deliver the actual outcomes we need to see.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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