Last chance to comment on police and crime plan


THE consultation period for Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer’s draft Police and Crime Plan comes to an end this Sunday (August 15).

Anyone who wishes to have an input to the plan should do so by then.
The plan sets out the Commissioner’s vision for policing and community safety in Cheshire, as well as detailing the strategic priorities for Cheshire Constabulary over the next three years. It also details how the Commissioner will hold the Chief Constable to account regarding the Constabulary’s performance against these strategies.

The overarching priorities in the draft plan which will cover 2021-2024 are:
• Prevent and tackle crime
• Deliver justice for victims of crime
• Protect vulnerable people
• Improve public confidence in policing
• Making Cheshire’s roads safer
• Modernising the police force
PCC Dwyer said: “I want to thank everyone who has taken the time so far to share their views with me on the draft plan. I will consider the views you’ve given me. However, it’s not too late for those of you who haven’t submitted your views, to have your say. By working together we can provide the Chief Constable of Cheshire the policing priorities that are important to you, which he can then implement and pass on to the Constabulary to make Cheshire an even safer place to live work and visit.”
You can access the consultation and read the draft Plan here: Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024 Consultation ( Please note the survey closes at one minute to midnight.


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