Birchwood College celebrate 100 percent pass rate!


BIRCHWOOD College is once again celebrating outstanding Year 13 exam results, with a 100% pass rate on their level 3 BTEC programmes, of which 80% were graded Distinction Star to Merit.

Despite a challenging year, 78% of students gained a top grade of Distinction Star or Distinction, recognition of their commitment and hard work.

Ms Mills, Headteacher of Birchwood Community High School said “Congratulations to all our students on these amazing results which is a testament to their dedication and perseverance during the last two years. We are so proud of them all”.
Beverley Garratt, Head of Birchwood College, said; “We are absolutely delighted that these excellent results reflect the hard work of the young people at Birchwood College through very difficult circumstances. With the support of our specialist subject teachers, small class sizes and our personalised learning programmes, students at Birchwood College have again achieved highly. The continued success of our students highlights our position as a centre of excellence for BTEC applied learning”.
Birchwood College would like to thank the students, staff, governors, parents, and carers for all their hard work and support.
Birchwood College student, Molly, (pictured top) is celebrating today, after receiving BTEC grades of D* in Health and Social Care, D* in Applied Science, and D*D* in Music. She will now be going on to study Adult nursing at Liverpool John Moores University.

Jolie Campbell

Jolie Campbell from Birchwood College is celebrating today having achieved some excellent results. She’ll be heading to study Nutrition and Criminology at Liverpool John Moores University following her excellent Distinction* grades in Health and Social Care and Applied Law. and a Distinction grade in Applied Psychology.

Lucy Marsh

Congratulations to Lucy Marsh who achieved three Distinction* grades in Applied Science, health and Social Care and public Services from Birchwood College. We wish her every success in her next steps.


Birchwood College want to wish Jacob every success with his football career having achieved excellent grades at Level 3.

George Houghton

George Houghton is celebrating top Distinction* grades in his Sport Diploma and in Public Services. He leaves Birchwood College for the University of Chichester to study Outdoor and Adventure Education.
Jordan has achieved some great success at Birchwood College. He achieved D*D* grades in his Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Sport, alongside a Distinction grade in his BTEC Public Services course. He is heading to Liverpool John Moores University to study Zoology.

Jordan Johnson


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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